Loose Change Really Adds Up
Our Co-op’s Register Round Up is another way we are supporting our local community. This simple giving opportunity empowers our customers to round-up their grocery bill to the nearest dollar and donate the difference to our chosen recipient or non-profit.
Recipients are chosen by Co-op leadership and usually rotate bimonthly. Organizations wishing to apply as a Round Up at the Register recipient must complete the application below.
Application & Eligibility Requirements
Please review the documentation and eligibility requirements before submitting your application. An application must be submitted online for consideration with the necessary documentation.
- Non-profit organization mission statement
- The primary objective for proposed project or activity, how it fills a need not met by others, how it will improve the business, social or surrounding environment, the population to be served
- An IRS notification letter sustaining your current 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt status
- An outline of plans for acknowledging Co-opportunity’s contribution
- Organizations must have non-profit exempt status or tax-exempt documentation with this application
- Organization’s mission should align with Co-opportunity’s Ends helping to make our community better and healthier, and can be described by one of the following categories: environmental/sustainability; education/ the arts; peace and freedom of expression; economic and social justice; civil rights
- Organization is located near Co-opportunity and/or in the Los Angeles area
- Organization cannot advocate, support, or practice unlawful discrimination based on religion, national origin, sex, disability, or sexual orientation
- Organization cannot be political or religious