Santa Monica Store Leads the Way as Green Business Certified
While Co-opportunity is no latecomer to sustainability, we understand that sustainability means constantly working to improve. As California leads the charge towards a greener economy, Co-opportunity stands with other green business leaders in fostering a more livable community with a healthier environment, while benefiting from cost-saving conservation consultations with City of Santa Monica Energy and Water efficiency experts as a result of our Green Business Certification.
As a certified business, Co-opportunity complies with environmental regulations around waste, energy, water, pollution prevention, and air quality and is committed to taking action to conserve resources, prevent pollution, and minimize waste in both our facilities and our operations. We stock only non-toxic and environmentally preferred products that have been certified by the USDA, Green Seal, and EPA Safer Choice. If a cleaning product you purchase from Co-opportunity is not to your liking and you return it to the store, we use the leftovers in house and recycle the container. Even our recycling container itself is made with recycled materials!