If you have questions, you can reach out to vendorinfo@coopportunity.com
Business Name as Appears on Invoice and any DBA’s:
Contact Person Full Name, and Brokerage if applicable:
Email Address:
Direct Phone:
Please download our Product Submission Sheet, fill it out, and then upload below. Download Template
Upload your completed Product Submission Sheet (format:XLSX)
Please upload the following documents if applicable (format:PDF)
Insurance certificate (only necessary for new vendors)
Certifications (Organic, Biodynamic, etc.)
Promotional materials (coupons, digital assets, product photos, lifestyle photos, product team photos)
I hereby request to be added to the list of approved Co-opportunity vendors. I have been made aware of Co-opportunity's vendor policies, as described below: 1. Invoicing - Invoices must be submitted on a timely basis and must include business name, contact information, shipment/delivery date, invoice #, quantity and unit costs for each item or service, and total amount due. Minimum 14-day payment terms required. 2. Professionalism - All businesses must meet Co-opportunity standards of professionalism which include delivery requirements and regular, timely, courteous communication with our staff.
Recall Notice: All Raw Farms products sold at the Co-op are under a recall. Please return any products for your full refund at the store. Products include milk, kefir, butter, and cheese. Learn More.